sciwork 2023

Buganini Chiu


  • PUI: Declarative UI framework for Python
Cheuk Ting Ho

After having a career as a Data Scientist and Developer Advocate, Cheuk dedicated her work to the open-source community and working as a community manager at OpenSSF. She has co-founded Humble Data, a beginner Python workshop that has been happening around the world. She has served the EuroPython Society board for two years and is now a fellow and director of the Python Software Foundation.

  • Use Hypothesis, whether you like writing tests or not
Chun-Hsu Lai

I'm a WiFi firmware engineer but very interesting in numerical software.

  • Integrate computation and analysis for one-dimensional Sod's shock tube problem
Dboy Liao

YAMLE, Yet Another Machine Learning Engineer.
That's me, deal with it 😉

  • uTensor: Deep Learning Inference Engine Born for TinyML

Jiawei is a Ph.D. student in Computer Science and Information Engineering at NTU. His research focuses on Deep Learning for Computer Vision. He also serves as a Research Assistant at Academia Sinica, where he leads a team investigating Generative AI for image generation. In addition, he has a keen interest in Data Science and completed a year-long tenure as a Data Analyst Intern at Appier. During the internship, he engaged in client data analysis, feature engineering, business model development, and established key business metrics. His commitment to clean code architecture, design patterns, and high-quality programming was nurtured during his time at Appier. He possesses strong communication and presentation skills, honed through extensive cross-department collaboration. Passionate about contributing to innovation, he is eager to apply his skills to solve challenging problems in the technology industry and open to discussions about potential collaborations.


  • How Can We “Perfectly and Rapidly” Stitch Images? Exploring Improved End-to-end Techniques
Jing-En Huang

As a mathematics student with a strong passion for artificial intelligence, I enjoy leveraging my mathematical knowledge to solve real‐world computer vision tasks through AI integration. For example, I have recently developed a real‐time automatic system for tracking and analyzing basketball matches using computer vision, deep learning models, and various mathematical techniques. As hobbies, I have served as the team leader in three AI Cup competitions, each with commendable results.
( )

  • How Can We “Perfectly and Rapidly” Stitch Images? Exploring Improved End-to-end Techniques
Jo Chen

參與開發過多種 AI 專案,包含證券商的股票分析預測、行銷部門的廣告投放受眾分析預測、體育單位的生心理數據量測分析與辨識等。曾擔任勞動部產業新尖兵 Python 講師,現經營資料科學與量化交易線上訂閱課程。目前專注於進行量化交易領域的研究(碩士)。

  • 用 LLMs 進行金融新聞分析以優化量化交易
Mars Su

Work Experience
  • Trendmicro - Staff Data Engineer (Present)
  • Gogolook - Sr. Data/ML Engineer
  • Wavenet - Data Scientist
  • adGeek - Advertising AI Engineer
Important Experience
  • PyCon APAC 2022 Speaker
  • Publish of Book - Apache NiFi 讓你輕鬆設計 Data Pipeline
  • itHome 2021 AI&Data - Champion
  • National Taiwan University of Science and Technology - Master's Degree, IM
  • National Changhua University of Education - Bachelor's Degree, IM
  • Data Lakehouse Architecture Evolution and Future
Quentin Tsai

Quentin Tsai received a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. In 2022, he completed his Masters in Cybersecurity from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. His research interests include software testing, financial engineering and high performance computing.
Quentin is now working at Nvidia as a QA automation engineer.

  • Building source code level profiler for C++ application
Shuhsi Lin

I'm a versatile professional with expertise in data engineering, Python programming, and computational biology. My professional interests span software/data architecture, IoT applications, cloud/web services, and engineering culture. Passionate about sharing insights in the data engineering field through both online and offline channels.

See more in

  • Data Contracts: Empowering Data Quality Enforcement
Simon Liu (Liu Yu-Wei)

大家好,我是 Simon 劉育維,過去曾擔任過電信業的資深工程師,目前在 InfuseAI 擔任 LLM 和 MLOps 技術客戶成功工程師,幫助各大知名企業進行機器學習、深度學習、大型語言模型等人工智慧議題進行人工智慧架構規劃的討論,目前在 Medium 上已經公開超過 40 篇技術文章,我希望能夠嘗試使用 AI 做應用,幫助客戶用 AI 解決痛點。

  • 來設計一個大型語言模型(LLM)對話管理平台
joseph hsu

I'm currently a graduate student from Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, studying strongly correalated system using tensor network methods.

  • The Cytnx Library for Tensor Network

data science manager in semiconductor industry

  • Build an useful data science product in your orgnaization

Hi, I'm a Data scientist from Cathay Financial Holdings in Taiwan. I have over seven years of hands-on experience in large-scale backend and AI/ML technology applications in digital marketing and customer service.

  • Mastering Feature Engineering: Mining the Hidden Salary Formula with CakeResume

「開放天文 拉近群眾與星空的距離」
公民天文學家/Astrohackers in Taiwan社群的共同創辦人/承接網站開發及資料科學相關案子的遠距工作者

  • 用Python引導大眾探索天文資料述說的故事
陳畯田 Jonathan Chen


  • PyLiteracy:以語言學為基礎的中文文法檢查器